Brightwork and partners receive VIDA Demonstration Voucher
In July 2019, the consortium consisting of Brightwork, Nedaq and Nordic Water Benelux, received a VIDA Demonstration Voucher. For their proposal to study the application of cloth filtration for water reuse purposes in the food sector.
The concept of cloth filtration has been applied in other countries for applications such as water reuse, surface water treatment and extensive phosphate removal.
The technique uses pile cloth fibre media in cassettes that are placed in a half or fully submerged drumfilter. While rotating, suspended solids and other contaminants in the waste water are accumulated on the outside of the fibre media. Meanwhile the treated water flows through the cloth filter media into the center of the drum, from where it is discharged to the next treatment step. Without stopping the filtration, the filter media is automatically cleansed. Using a backwash process with water and or suction cleaning (vacuum cleaner principle).
Hans Wouters, CEO of Brightwork, on receiving this voucher:
“By granting the VIDA Demonstration Voucher, we are now able to start putting this technology to the test under Dutch conditions. In order to obtain valuable knowledge and experience. We see possibilities to apply cloth filtration as a post-treatment step for biologically treated industrial and municipal waste water. And as part of a water re-use installation it could have significant advantages. Cloth filtration might be an economical interesting alternative for technologies like ultrafiltration that are used in pre-treatment schemes for water reuse projects. The results and practical experiences of this pilot study will have to prove this application.”
Are you or do you know a company within the food industry that is working on water reuse? The consortium is looking forward to get in touch with you to discuss the possibilities to start a pilot study on the abovementioned topic of water reuse.
Please contact Hans Wouters, CEO of Brightwork B.V. for more information.