Brightwork and Nordic Water bundle knowledge and innovation
Sneek/Noordwijk, March 15th 2019
Brightwork and Nordic Water bundling knowledge and innovation
Added together they have years of experience in the field of separation technology in general and with continous sand filtration in particular. Therefore, Brightwork and Nordic Water have decided to start a collaboration during the beginning of 2019. As a result both parties get access to each others products. The goal is to offer clients complete solutions in a faster and better way.
Already both partners notice that this collaboration is leading to a lot of synergy. This synergy in projects, research and product development is of great advantage for the joint customer base. One example is the removal of medicine residues from water. An actual problem, wherefore the world is asking solutions. For research projects in this field, the available knowledge and experience that Brightwork and Nordic Water have with ‘downstream continuous filtration installations’ can be optimally utilized. One of the research projects will start soon at the demo-site of the WaterCampus in the RWZI Leeuwarden.
Hans Wouters of Brightwork and Ronald Piepers of Nordic Water Benelux are delighted with the collaboration. “Our combined knowledge is huge, so this is good news for our clients”, according to Hans. Ronald adds: “For BW Products it also means that they get a very mature partner, with a lot of knowledge, an enormous network in Europe and exceptionally well in sales and service. Also, both parties are now able to assist each other in inventing and developing new solutions.”
Since 2017 Brightwork has introduced the Sand-Cycle technology to the market (www.sand-cycle.com). Sand-Cycle was developed monitor continuous sand filters optimally and to optimalize the treatment proces. The technology becomes now available for Nordic Water and can be implemented in current and new installations.
During the recent AquaNL 2019 fair, both parties confirmed there collaboration during a joint press moment and a firm hand shake (see this news article of the Water Alliance)
More information is available by contacting:
Hans Wouters
Brightwork BV
+31 515 79 65 50 / + 31 650 74 85 73

Ronald Piepers
Nordic Water Benelux BV
+ 31 71 763 06 21 / +31 6 230 550 96

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