
Effluent Reuse Theme Park Efteling
The popular theme park Efteling in the south of the Netherlands launched a drought prevention program. In order to reduce the total volume of ground water abstraction to feed the numerous water ponds in the park.

Bypass Filtration in Cooling Water Systems
In industry and electricity production, open recirculating cooling water systems are widely used to remove excess process heat. Bypass filtration is a beautiful, sustainable and (cost) efficient technique to allow these systems to function optimally.

Drinking Water Production Using Moving Bed Filtration
This paper describes the characteristics of continuous filtration, successfully applied for both ground and surface water treatment for drinking and process water production installations.

The revival of tertiary continuous filters
In this paper we’ll provide you with a better understanding of the relationship between sand circulation and filtration efficiencies, and how efforts have been made successfully to upgrade and refurbish existing tertiary continuous sand filters using the novel Sand-Cycle technology.

Removal of antibiotics and pharmaceutical residues in water urgent
Antibiotics and other medicines will continue to play a key role in our everyday lives, therefore the demand for technologies to reduce AMR in water will increase on a global scale. By investing in sustainable innovative technological solutions for AMR now, we can avoid paying the costs of the damage that AMR and other drug residues will cause to our society.

How to boost the biology in a municipal waste water treatment plant, a case study
It is about evaluation of the impact of dosing Drylet’s AquaAssist into Dutch activated sludge plant after a longterm testing period.

Tilted Plate Separation
Tilted plate lamella settlers are used for various settling applications, both primary and secondary settling, creating a large settling area at a small footprint. The technology may be combined with upfront controlled coagulation and flocculation to achieve a high settling performance.

Kontinuierliche filter 4.0
Nordic Water’s DynaSand Filter is used for a wide range of tasks worldwide. During the start-up of
the DynaSand filter, the medium circulation rate, and the amount of washing water are optimally
adjusted for the local conditions. In the further course, the monitoring of the medium circulation rate is labor-intensive using conventional methods.

RFID technology in continuous sand filters: two case studies
The legislative norms for treated wastewater discharge in terms of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus
(P) concentrations are becoming increasingly stringent in the EU region. Compliance with the
consent values compelled the water authorities to implement moving bed biofilters (MBFs)
for tertiary stage effluent polishing.

How to cope with stricter effluent criteria
UK experiences with continuously moving bed aerated bioreactors. Within the UK a large number of sewage treatment works will have to be upgraded, to meet more stringent criteria. Special attention will have to be paid to suspended solids, ammonia and BOD

Design and build of a water treatment plant to treat contaminated leachate from dredging works at dublin port
As one of European Union’s key strategic ports, Dublin Port has secured significant funding to transform its infrastructure over the next two decades. The aim of the five-year project is to deepen and lengthen 3km of the port’s berths and provide an entrance channel with a depth of at least 10m.
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