SCC certificate for Brightwork B.V.!


SCC certificate for Brightwork BV Brightwork B.V. cares for the health and safety of our employees. That is why we are proud to announce that our company, as part of the Brightwork Group, has been certified for SCC**! If you are interested in this topic and would like to know more about it, please CONTACT US

Brightwork and Nordic Water bundle knowledge and innovation

Handshake between CEO's BW Products and Nordic Water

Brightwork and Nordic Water bundle knowledge and innovation PRESS RELEASE Sneek/Noordwijk, March 15th 2019 Brightwork and Nordic Water bundling knowledge and innovation Added together they have years of experience in the field of separation technology in general and with continous sand filtration in particular. Therefore, Brightwork and Nordic Water have decided to start a collaboration during the beginning of 2019. As a result both parties get access to each others products. The goal is to offer clients complete solutions in a faster and better way.  Already both partners notice that this collaboration is leading to a lot of synergy. This … Read more

Friese “water tech” voorop bij internationale ambitie

Kopgroep watertech Friesland groepsfoto

Friese “water tech” voorop bij internationale ambitie Gedeputeerde Sander de Rouwe met vier ondernemers in discussie, op bezoek bij Acquaint in Leeuwarden.  Nog niet zo lang geleden lichtte Hans Wouters, CEO van Brightwork BV en BW Products onze slimme innovatie Sand-Cycle ( toe aan gedeputeerde Sander de Rouw. Tijdens deze door Water Allianc georganiseerde kennismaking, hebben wij samen met 3 andere Friese WaterTech frontrunners Acquaint B.V.., Wafilin Systems B.V.. en Hydraloop Systems – Smart water savings, onze bedrijfsvisie, producten en (export)uitdagingen gepresenteerd. Zie deze link voor het artikel #sandcycle #watertechnology

Sand-Cycle wins the Water Industry Award

Sandcycle wins Water Industry Award

Sand-Cycle wins the Water Industry Award In een druk bezochte bijeenkomst in Birmingham ontvingen Chris Heslegrave van Aquabio en Hans Wouters de Water Industry Achievement Award voor de meest innovatieve technologie van het jaar. De jury waardeerde de eenvoud van de vinding en de waarde ervan voor de water industrie. Deze Award is een mooie erkenning voor de vinding. If you are interested in this topic and would like to know more about it, please CONTACT US

Water Industry Achievement Award 2017 nominee

Logo Award Industry UK in transparent

Water Industry Achievement Award 2017 nominee BW Products together with Aquabio (UK) are selected finalists of the Water Industry Achievement Award 2017 in the category “Most Innovative New Technology of the Year”. We are selected for our latest development “Sand-Cycle”, successfully introducing RFID technology in the water treatment industry. The Award is used to underline the industry’s leading innovations and best practices in the market today. Please refer to the list of nominees we are competing against: On May 23th 2017 the Award Ceremony will take place in the VOX Conference Centre in Birmingham, UK